Oct 2, 2018 7:53:40 PM by Akhtar Ahamed

Digitizing Talent Management with Dynamics 365 for Talent

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Attracting, selecting, retaining, developing and engaging good quality candidates is a challenge for many organisations.

One of the challenges is sourcing candidates who have the right skills and can also fit into the organisational culture. A candidate that possesses the relevant experience and skills set but does not fit the organisational culture can negatively impact morale and team-work. Replacing them can be costly as the recruitment process to replace them needs to happen again.

Another challenge is retaining good quality candidates. Candidates want more from their employers, including opportunities for learning, their feedback considered and actioned, and career development prospects.

Organisations need to ensure that they have the right processes in place to manage the employee lifecycle. Many companies try to do this by having multiple and often disparate systems. A change in one system means that another will probably need to be updated manually.

Storing candidate information in multiple and disparate systems will be a thing of the past thanks to Dynamics 365 for Talent. This is one of Microsoft’s latest offerings to support talent management experts and HR when hiring and managing employees.

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent

Ø  Finding a match between a job role and a candidate

The talent app helps HR and hiring managers to quickly find a match between a role profile and a candidate via a jobs portal, while ensuring a good candidate experience. The portal can be tailored to specific roles and enables the selection process to be transparent. Moreover, it integrates with the professional social media platform LinkedIn, which is increasingly used by companies to share jobs and raise their profiles.

Ø  Organising interviews involving multiple stakeholders

Organising interviews which require multiple managers can slow things down. With Dynamics 365 Talent, interviews can be scheduled in for all those involved in the process by using Office 365 integration that checks availability and suggests times that are convenient for everyone and will send and track Calendar invites.

Ø  Hiring decisions made quickly

Hiring managers can see the candidate’s performance against the organisational competencies in the portal enabling them to quickly decide on whether or not to progress with a candidate.

Ø  Engage candidates

Track a candidate’s application throughout the selection process. Communication can be tailored to each role to ensure candidates feel engaged in the process leading to greater candidate experience.

Ø  Smoother on-boarding

When a candidate accepts a role, the on-boarding process – where a candidate is introduced to the company’s systems, processes and culture – can happen even before the candidate physically joins the organisation.

The Talent app can be tailored to the candidate to make them feel welcome and can be used to schedule training. Network can be established, and candidates can gain insights into the organisation’s culture even before they start.

Ø  Develop and retain candidates

One of the key features of Talent is that an employee’s performance and development is tracked and managed using real-time dashboards.

Managers and HR can easily identify trends in performance and, more importantly, identify top talent and put plans in place to develop these individuals into senior roles, ensuring a strong pipeline of talent available as the organisation grows.

Ø  Analyse performance data meaningfully

Dynamics 365 Talent takes core HR processes and combines them in a meaningful way for leaders, managers and HR team. Key processes include annual leave trackers, absence management, benefits and compensation management, budgeting, resource planning and much more.

Key decision-makers can then utilise the gathered data to make better decisions around selecting and managing talent, and save hours normally spent on integrating disparate information as all the necessary information is contained within the Talent app.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Talent is a powerful and useful tool to attract, select and employ the right people all in one single app, making easier the lives of those involve in managing talent. The app allows talent professionals to focus on making the right decisions based on the data as core HR processes are integrated and managed better.

For more information, please contact us at sales@cbiz.co.uk

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